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Food, Graffiti, and Winter

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hello internet!

I hope my ramblings have kept you entertained. I was going through pictures I've taken since I've been in Chile and decided to share a few with y'all. Nothing too exciting, I'm afraid, but I suppose it could be mildly entertaining to see more of Chile through my eyes?

I took this first picture in a  cafe in the super cute neighborhood "Barrio Lastarria"... it's an incredibly quaint area. The cute-ness was taken to the next level with my coffee which arrived with this adorable dog face (I think it's a dog?). Needless to say it's one of my favorite spots in the city.

Meals in Chile are very different from meals in the U.S. Everyday around 5 or 6pm people eat "once," which really means eleven (for those of you non-Spanish-speakers). The typical once is a coffee (served in a glass like the one I had in this picture) and a fat piece of cake. It's a piece of Chilean culture that I'm particularly fond of.

I've talked too much about this already... but it's winter. And most mornings this is my view. Needless to say waking up at 6:30 is a bit of a struggle in this weather!

The final picture in this INCREDIBLY random series of pictures is the interior of a restaurant near my house. The restaurant is called Chorillana, which is a typical Chilean dish. It's essentially a huge pile of fries, beef, sauteed onions, and fried eggs. Perfect drunk food. That said people eat it all of the time. It's a bit heavy, but it is delicious. The fun thing about this particular restaurant is all of the graffiti. Chile is known for it's cool graffiti (especially in Valpo). Basically every inch of this restaurant is covered in scribblings. Next time I go, and hopefully with a real camera, I can take pictures of some of the better inscriptions.

So that's my random collection of Chilean pics. Once I have a camera sorted out I have a few posts in mind that I'm excited to share! In the mean time any camera suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!  I'm so torn between different all of the different options... I've gone a bit crazy pinning potential options. Ha!

Until next time!


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