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A Day at the Feria

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Yesterday was beautiful yet again. The kind of day where you can wear pants and a cardigan and be totally fine, almost a little warm. I decided to go to the market to get some veggies and fruit. Fruit and veggies in the supermarkets here are really lackluster. The tomatoes have this horrible bland yellow-red color (if that makes any sense) and most of the produce seems to be on its last leg. Basically you're better off going to a feria if you want some good produce. Ferias are street markets. Most neighborhoods have ferias at some point during the week and there are some ferias that are permanent (like La Vega). Yesterday the feria was HOPPING. Between the weather and the holiday it seemed like everyone was out getting food. I prefer going on a less crowded day, but it was a nice way to spend the afternoon.

The colors are awesome and the prices are pretty good too... 3 huge zucchinis for $2USD=not too shabby.

They sell all sorts of stuff at the ferias... electronics, cosmetics, DVDs etc.


My Chilean friend told me the Mapuche word for this but I can't for the life of me remember it (chollulla? something like that). I'm pretty sure it's essentially dried kelp. Apparently people put it into soups and stuff. Doesn't sound too appetizing to me, but I guess it could be interesting to try.

For about $10USD I got:
2 HUGE Zucchinis
1/2 Kilo of Kiwis
5 or so Bananas
A bunch of Asparagus
5 Tomatoes
A mirror
... and definitely some other stuff, but I can't remember/don't feel like checking (que fome). 

Now I just have to decide what to make with all of my food! Mmmmm! I thought I'd make it to the beach this weekend but I don't think that will happen. I will keep you all updated!


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